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Rhythms of Spiritual Praxis as Discipleship from Karma to Atonement among Believers from a Tibetan Buddhist Background

Anyone who has spent significant time attempting to share the truths of the gospel among Tibetan Buddhist peoples can attest to it being a difficult process. It is said that in 1892 Hudson Taylor said, “To make converts in Tibet is similar to going into a cave and trying to rob a lioness of her cubs.” Even after over 100 years this statement still largely describes the situation well.

This thesis specifically looks at the causes of apostasy and the potential role of rhythmic Christian spiritual practices for deeper and transformational discipleship.

Blog Entries

Discipleship from Karma to Atonement

A New Resource on ResearchShare.

What is needed for effective discipleship among Tibetan Buddhist background believers?

Blog Entries

From Cape Town to Seoul

China's Christians embrace commitment to world evangelization.

Christian leaders from China made history at the 2010 Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, not by their participation, but by their absence. Although some 200 leaders had made preparations and raised the necessary funds to attend, the vast majority were stopped at the airport and […]

Supporting Article

Short-Term Missions in Africa with Chinese Diaspora Mission

Today's Challenges

Two short-term team members tell us their purpose, give us a model, and recount their experiences in Kenya. They hope to mobilize Chinese churches in North America and mainland China to send short-term and long-term missionaries to Africa as well as raise up diaspora Chinese missionaries from Africa.

Blog Entries

Why Reaching 2nd Generation Chinese Americans Is Crucial but Difficult

[…] topics addressed, and while there is no “one size fits all,” the principles are helpful to church leaders and families, whether you live in America, China, Europe, Africa, Australia, or Japan. My hope with this series, is to help you to reach the second generation within your sphere of influence. The next blog post […]

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The Importance and Roles of Families and Church Leaders

We must talk about our God in a way that helps them see that he is real in our lives. We cannot pass on what we do not possess.

Blog Entries

Struggles 2nd Generation Chinese Americans Face

[…] more. Boundaries must be set, and parents need to be an example to their children about good habits when it comes to the use of technology, particularly phones. At the core, the second generation struggles with identity—Who am I? Am I Chinese? Am I American? Am I both? This is where they struggle the […]

Blog Entries

What Is the Gospel and Its Implications for Second Generation Chinese Youth

The gospel of grace taught in the home and at church is vital for reaching Chinese American youth.

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Developing and Modeling a Biblical Worldview

[…] Teaches the Gospel by Nick Roark and Robert Cline Bobby Jamieson, Sound Doctrine: How a Church Grows in the Love and Holiness of God (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2013), 30. Samuel Ling and Clarence Cheuk, The “Chinese” Way of Doing Things: Perspectives on American-Born Chinese and the Chinese Church in North America (New Jersey: P […]

Blog Entries

Additional Factors for Reaching the 2nd Generation and a Challenge

Principles for reaching second generation Chinese Americans—for parents and churches.